Catalog of Hyperplane Arrangements

The following table shows the number of abstract dissection types. Data can be accessed by clicking on the corresponding number (if available):

  card = 2 card = 3 card = 4 card = 5 card = 6 card = 7 card = 8 card = 9 card = 10
rank = 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
rank = 3 (dim = 2) 1 3 8 46 790 37 829 4 134 939 unknown
rank = 4 (dim = 3) 1 5 27 1 063 1 434 219 unknown unknown
rank = 5 (dim = 4) 1 7 71 44 956 unknown unknown
rank = 6 (dim = 5) 1 9 156 unknown unknown
rank = 7 (dim = 6) 1 11 325 unknown
rank = 8 (dim = 7) 1 13 646
rank = 9 (dim = 8) 1 15
rank = 10 (dim = 9) 1

Cardinality = 8, rank = 7 (dimension = 6)

List of the 11 representatives of DT(8,7), ordered by the RevLex-Index.
The numbers above the signs indicate the elements of the corresponding basis.

DT(8,7, 1) = ++++++++
DT(8,7, 2) = 0+++++++
DT(8,7, 3) = +0++++++
DT(8,7, 4) = 00++++++
DT(8,7, 5) = +00+++++
DT(8,7, 6) = 000+++++
DT(8,7, 7) = +000++++
DT(8,7, 8) = 0000++++
DT(8,7, 9) = +0000+++
DT(8,7,10) = 00000+++
DT(8,7,11) = +00000++

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